Outsourcing Innovation: Evaluating Fit
Article Content Outsourcing Innovation Business Scorecard Evaluating Fit Benefits & Risks Tools to Bridge the Gap Outsourcing Planning & Evaluation Tool Outsourcing innovation can make sense when the innovation does...
Legacy Systems & Resistance to Innovation
Legacy systems represent business models that are dependent on outdated technologies, products/services, networks, and/or value propositions that are no longer competitive. In many instances, these legacy systems started out as competitive...
Accommodation in Business Excellence Fatigue
The role of accommodation in business excellence involves understanding what wastes to remove, what opportunities to leverage, what problems need resolution, and when to pivot. It involves identifying what is important...
Personality Driven Planning: Innovation Lessons
As the saying goes, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease,’ which means the person or group with the loudest voice is often the one who is heard. This is not...
Key Performance Indicators: Strategy, Data, & Goals
Key performance indicators emphasize what drives competitive value for internal & external stakeholders and how. These KPI’s map against internal business processes, tools, technologies, and systems. Things that are not described...
Union Membership: Supporting Innovation
Article Contents Union Membership Gains Union Membership Benefits: Hygiene Factors & Self-Actualization Needs as a Criterion for Success Trickle Down Theory Highlights: Canadian Labour Timeline Stagnant Innovation Leading Internal &...
Normative Models in Innovation Consulting
Espoused normative belief’s represent the collective ideas, assumptions, and beliefs a group or individual has about oneself. When these beliefs differ from the actual ‘held beliefs’ implemented the results can...
Practical Innovation: Finding a Solution
Practical Innovation as a Solution