SWOT Analysis in Business Model Innovation
SWOT assessment involves identifying the relative strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the business model. This includes the regulatory, economic, political, social, and internal environments. Delineating fact from fiction, preference...
Supply Chain Management Vectors in Innovation
Article Content Supply Chain Management Outsourcing Product Supply Chain Digital Services Supply Chain Expertise, Quality, Location, Value, & Organization – Characteristics Supply Chain Innovation Opportunities Supply Chain Innovation Planning Tool...
Leadership Model Vacuum: Serving with Purpose & Intent
The path to developing an effective leadership model is as varied as the definitions often adopted in the business sector. The context in which leadership is being defined strongly determines...
Data Analytics: A Business Case of Innovation
The demands on the Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Industries to support innovation are at its peak. Healthcare legislation is being actively challenged and profit margins (and operating revenue) for the pharmaceutical...
Building a Leadership Innovation Matrix
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Systems Opportunities for Leadership Innovation
Systems present with complexity and sticky problems. Identifying opportunities for innovation and growth begins with identifying capabilities and opportunities within the system. Each part of the system has the ability...
Passive Aggressive Business Cultures
A passive aggressive business culture (PABC) is a challenge for stakeholders, leaders, employees, and their customers. Although the American Psychological Association (APA) does not recognize a diagnostic category for passive...
Information Vectors in Leadership Innovation
Information vectors fuel innovation. The challenge is that information gathered from one vector may be completely ignored from another. This differential perspective is influenced by the place, resources, and reference...