Business Culture
Project Management Process Groups Canvas
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Initiative Planning Canvas: Realizing Shared Values
Initiative planning involves representatives from the stakeholder groups it seeks to empower. It also seeks to include other stakeholder groups that are invested in the initiative’s outcomes. Prioritizing involvement of...
Business Consulting Canvas: Solving Problems
Professional Services are on the rise. As the economy improves so does the demand for Business Consulting. The skills, abilities, resources, and knowledge to compete in the modern economy are...
Logic Model Canvas: Building Alignment
A Logic Model is used by leadership teams to build awareness, commitment, and investment in the organization’s strategic initiatives, goals, and values. Logic Models are also used to build alignment...
Persuasion Model Canvas: Building Alignment
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Corporate Citizenship Canvas: Increasing Impact
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Behaviour Change Canvas
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Rethinking the Nonprofit Business Model
In a recent TED Talk, Pallotta contends that nonprofit business models should leverage the same business model tools and strategies as the for profit industry. The reasoning supporting this conclusion is...