Business Culture
Change Management Canvas
Change management involves a structure and collaborative approach if change is to be successful. Check out this interactive planning tool available at Innovate Vancouver.
Corporate Resilience Scorecard 4 Innovation
Corporate resilience determines whether the company is able to effectively leverage feedback mechanisms (including raw data), internal assets & competencies, strategies, and human resources to respond to opportunities, changes, and...
Professional Ethics in Innovation Projects
Professional ethics define the values, guidelines, and norms for a specific profession. These norms are developed to help establish a consistent behaviour or standard for professionals working within a specific...
Operations Project Management: Aligning Competencies
Project and operations environments respond to project management best practices differently. As a result, a different approach is often needed to deliver a project in either environment. This is amplified...
Operations Planning: Delivering Innovation
Strategic planning establishes the vision for the company but operations planning is responsible for ensuring that the goals are achieved. Each team (or department, etc.) is responsible for establishing what...
On the Job Training: Breaking the Mould
The on the job (OTJ) training model builds upon existing employee competencies and shapes them to the current business environment. Although typically quantitative in focus (paperwork, schedules, policies & procedures),...
Legacy Systems & Resistance to Innovation
Legacy systems represent business models that are dependent on outdated technologies, products/services, networks, and/or value propositions that are no longer competitive. In many instances, these legacy systems started out as competitive...
Accommodation in Business Excellence Fatigue
The role of accommodation in business excellence involves understanding what wastes to remove, what opportunities to leverage, what problems need resolution, and when to pivot. It involves identifying what is important...