Transformation Readiness Assessment

Project Management Office Maturity Assessment

A PMO Assessment can help your company identify why projects often under-deliver, identify areas for improvement, and help improve PMO effectiveness. Using this systematic and structured approach, Innovate Vancouver can help your company to improve efficiencies, training, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Contact Innovate Vancouver to Conduct your company’s PMO Maturity Assessment!

The P3M3 Project Management Office (PMO) Assessment is used to help company’s identify where performance and quality may suffer. Recommendations are then made to help reinforce existing practices and introduce new ones.

The assessment process reviews documents, policies, processes, and physical assets used to deliver projects.

Project Management Office (PMO) Maturity Assessment (P3M3) Innovate Vancouver
Travis Barker, MPA GCPM

The process also used face to face interviews, group work, workshops, surveys, review of reports and analytics, process mapping, and gap analysis.

Additional tools are suggested based on your company’s history and requirements.

Project Management Office (PMO) Maturity Assessment (P3M3) Innovate Vancouver
Travis Barker, MPA GCPM

Findings are based on a tiered model with higher stages representing stronger maturity levels.

Strategies, resources, and tools are used to close the gap between the current state and the company’s desired future state.

When possible, the company’s PMO will be benchmarked against PMBOK best practices and industry competitors.

Next steps are informed, and aligned, with the company’s vision, mission, current state, and customer requirements.

An analysis of industry trends and forecasts are also referenced in order to identify best practices and support the company’s competitive advantage going forward.

Project Management Office (PMO) Maturity Assessment (P3M3) Innovate Vancouver
Travis Barker, MPA GCPM

The final report may include analytic results, survey results, written reports, presentations, infographics, videos, etc.

Each reporting format will be adjusted to meet the informational needs of each audience targeted.

Project Management Office (PMO) Maturity Assessment (P3M3) Innovate Vancouver
Travis Barker, MPA GCPM

Contact Innovate Vancouver to help your company assess the maturity of its Project Management Office!

Download the full PMO Maturity Assessment Brochure by clicking on the download button.

Click on the above images to expand each image in your browser.

Travis Barker, MPA GCPM

Innovate Vancouver

Innovate Vancouver is a Technology and Business Innovation Consulting Service located in Vancouver, BC.

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